Using Dnsmasq for VM testing
Today I was trying a new configuration option for Gitlab and I wanted to make sure I did not make any mistakes before trying the site live. Therefore I decided to deploy the configuration in a virtual machine and then copy it on the live server.
To access the page served by the VM two conditions needed to be met:
- The HTTP port should be forwarded to be available on the host. Vagrant makes it extremely easy, take a look at this tool if you don’t know it already.
- The virtual machine should be accessible under the domain given to Gitlab’s web server.
Simply typing the IP address might not work because a single web server might be configured to serve different sites depending on the domain.
This part is usually done by hacking
to resolve the chosen name to127.0.0.1
but I decided to try using Dnsmasq for this after reading a blog post about it.
What is Dnsmasq ?
Among other things, Dnsmasq can act as a DNS caching server.
This can be used to increase resolution speed, or, in our case, to inject fake DNS records into our network.
Specifically, I will use to resolve all .dev
domains to my own machine.
Installing Dnsmasq on OSX
Using Homebrew installing Dnsmasq is relatively easy: brew install dnsmasq
I decided to track the configuration in my dotfiles repository and to symlink the actual file to the versioned one:
cp /usr/local/opt/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf.example ~/dotfiles/dnsmasq.conf
sudo ln -s ~/dotfiles/dnsmasq.conf /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf
Configuring the DNS server
Note: you can find the latest version of the file on Github.
The first step is to be a good netizen by disabling the forwarding of ill-formed domain names. I don’t know if this is strictly required but the Dnsmasq example guide suggests enabling it. We will also only allow requests coming from localhost for security reasons.
# Never forward plain names (without a dot or domain part)
# Never forward addresses in the non-routed address spaces.
# Only allow localhost requests
Then we will add the redirection rules.
We only have one, i.e. sending all .dev
# Add domains which you want to force to an IP address here.
# Sends all domain ending in .dev to localhost
After restarting Dnsmasq (sudo brew services restart dnsmasq
), you should be able to test your config by running dig @localhost
If you get an answer mapping to, everything is working!
Sending DNS requests to Dnsmasq
This step if pretty straightforward: Open System Preferences, go to “Network”, then click “Advanced…” and add
to your servers under the “DNS” tab.
Don’t forget to click apply once you left the advanced settings!
Now you should be able to ping
, however normal websites won’t be recognized anymore.
Adding upstream servers
The original guide chooses to send only the .dev
queries to Dnsmasq, but I preferred to add upstream servers to my config.
Upstream DNS servers are queried when Dnsmasq doesn’t know how to resolve a given query.
Enabling them means that DNS queries will be cached, making them slightly faster.
It also means that you don’t have to fumble with OSX files such as /etc/resolver/
, which is forbidden by El Capitan (I haven’t updated my laptop to El Capitan though).
To enable upstream servers add the following to your dnsmasq.conf
I chose to use two different DNS providers for reliability reasons (Google DNS and OpenDNS).
# Upstream DNS servers
Restart Dnsmasq and voilà! You are now able to ping and should resolve to localhost. You can now configure your virtual server as and it should correctly answer, but that is left as an exercise to the reader ;)